Start Your Natural & Organic Skincare Business- Step 1

Start Your Natural & Organic Skincare Business- Step 1

Welcome to the 23 steps to start your natural and organic skincare business! If you’ve been dreaming of creating your own natural skincare or haircare brand, you’re in the right place. Our free video series is designed just for you. Keep on reading and get kickstarted on your entrepreneurial journey today!

Why you should start your beauty business

Start Your Natural & Organic Skincare Business- Step 1There has never been a better time to start an organic skincare or haircare business.

The natural cosmetics sector is growing fast as consumers are increasingly seeking out more natural personal care options and looking to new, smaller brands. Indie beauty founders are also more hands-on and transparent about their brands compared to mainstream brands. Find out why you should start a natural skincare business below:

Start a small business from home

Natural and organic business to reach $54BN by 2027

The boom in global organic cosmetic sales

At Formula Botanica, want to help you on this journey. As the world’s leading formulation school, we can teach you how to formulate your own natural cosmetic products from home and how to sell them.

Our award-winning courses take you from beginner to expert formulator in no time and teach you how to create the beauty brand of your dreams.

But don’t just take our word for it. Over the years, we have empowered thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide to launch successful skincare and haircare brands. Find out about them below:

Graduate spotlight: Ekó Botanicals – harnessing ancient African botanical wisdom

Graduate spotlight: Ouli’s Ointment – raising a family and a cult beauty brand

From self-discovery to thriving holistic skincare business

Graduate success stories

Want to see what our talented graduates have achieved? Many have launched incredible brands with hero products that stand out. From natural lotions, creams, and balms to high-performance skincare targeting specific needs, their creations are gaining recognition.

I’m a formulator- and here’s what you need to know to become one too

We believe everyone can formulate. And no, you don’t need to be a cosmetic chemist to succeed.

What it takes to start your beauty brand

Start Your Natural & Organic Skincare Business- Step 1

At Formula Botanica, we teach you how to start your beauty business from scratch. But don’t just take our word for it. We have taught over 20,000 students in over 190 countries how to formulate their cosmetic products and sell them from their homes.

Starting your own indie cosmetic business does mean putting in the hours learning, researching and practising formulation as well as gaining all-important business skills from financial to marketing.

But fear not! The world of natural formulation is easy, fun, and empowering. The more you invest, the more you gain. Moving beyond DIY internet formulation and honing your skills can help you create inspiring, high-performance beauty products.

Free video training

There is plenty in our graduates’ stories to inspire you to start your own organic skincare business. But we know that going from formulator to beauty entrepreneur requires a roadmap and guidance. So, we’ve prepared a very special 23-part video series for you in which you can learn how to start your natural and organic skincare business. In this series, you’ll find:

  • An outline and checklist of steps to take
  • Key issues to consider and plan for
  • Insider tips to help you succeed

Start your own organic skincare business- Step 1

Step 1 is shown above and we’ve linked steps 2-23 for your viewing pleasure below.


Step 2 – Make it Awesome

Step 3 – Upsell & Cross-sell

Step 4 – Comply with the Law

Step 5 – Set your Business Goal

Step 6 – Discover your Niche

Step 7 – Your Target Customer

Step 8 – Create your Brand

Step 9 – Packaging & Labelling

Step 10 – Money Matters

Step 11 – Your Manufacturing Strategy

Step 12 – Retail Strategy

Step 13 – Pricing your Products

Step 14 – Your Website

Step 15 – Generate Web Traffic

Step 16 – Social Media

Step 17 – Marketing

Step 18 – Advertising

Step 19 – Media & Bloggers

Step 20 – Organic Certification

Step 21 – Your Big Launch

Step 22 – Your Career

Step 23 – Be Realistic

These videos are here to help you build your organic skincare or haircare brand. Want to connect with skincare entrepreneurs worldwide? Join our free Skincare Entrepreneur Mastermind Group on Facebook, where thousands of brand owners network and support each other.

Start your journey today, and let’s create something beautiful together!


Learn how to become an
Organic Skincare Formulator

Join over 100,000 other Formulators
By providing your details, you agree to receive additional educational & marketing emails from Formula Botanica, which further introduce our curriculum. Your data is never shared or sold. Read our Privacy Policy.


How to become an
Organic Skincare Entrepreneur

Join over 100,000 other Formulators
By providing your details, you agree to receive additional educational & marketing emails from Formula Botanica, which further introduce our curriculum. Your data is never shared or sold. Read our Privacy Policy.


How to become an
Organic Skincare Entrepreneur

Join over 100,000 other Formulators
By providing your details, you agree to receive additional educational & marketing emails from Formula Botanica, which further introduce our curriculum. Your data is never shared or sold. Read our Privacy Policy.

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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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