Formula Botanica makes record donations to sustainability charities

2020-12 Formula Botanica charity donations

Formula Botanica donated a record £30,000 over the past year shared between two charities working in the field of sustainability and conservation. Plantlife and TreeSisters both work internationally and combine action, research and education to fulfill their aims of protecting and regenerating the environment and promoting sustainable use of its resources.

“We are proud to be part of global networks that donate to fund the acceleration of tropical reforestation and the conservation of wild plants as an expression of collective planetary care,” said Lorraine Dallmeier, CEO of Formula Botanica.

To date, the school has donated around £60k to charities and doubled its contributions in 2020 to reflect its outstanding business performance. Formula Botanica saw student enrolments this year increase 80 per cent over 2019. Its record donations are testimony to its commitment to increase support for charities in line with its own growth.

Plantlife and TreeSisters were a conscious choice for Formula Botanica as a leading voice in the green beauty space. The school, which has a cohort of some 11,000 students and graduates, is a pioneer in training natural organic cosmetic formulators across the world.

“The indie beauty sector operates at a completely different scale to the mainstream cosmetics industry. This difference allows the beauty brands created by Formula Botanica graduates to set themselves apart in how they view sustainability and conscious consumerism. It is our responsibility at Formula Botanica to embed sustainability principles such as these into the way that we teach, market ourselves and operate,” commented Dallmeier.
How Green Beauty can support sustainability charities
Help @FormulaBotanica raise awareness of how green beauty can support sustainability. Every donation to @Love_plants Plantlife and @TreeSisters helps our planet! Click To Tweet

Our charity work with Plantlife

This year, Formula Botanica became the largest, single corporate donor to Plantlife, a UK-based conservation charity working to save threatened wild flowers, plants and fungi. Plantlife’s work is life support for wildlife and helps sustain the colour and diversity of our natural landscapes.

CEO of Plantlife Ian Dunn said:”We are delighted to be able to share the next major step in our relationship with Formula Botanica. Great partnerships are built on shared values and Formula Botanica’s focus on teaching a global community the wonders and powers of green beauty resonates strongly with everything we do at Plantlife.

“We can all be ‘Organic Formulators’ and would struggle to do better than follow the inspiration of Formula Botanica in all walks of life. Our members and supporters are paramount in making Plantlife’s work possible. With the support of Formula Botanica, we at Plantlife will be able to further our work in the conservation of native plants and habitats in the UK and across the globe”.

Supporting TreeSisters with The Formula Botanica Forest

Operating in a similar sphere, TreeSisters elicits collective responsibility for planetary restoration at grass-roots level with a focus on women and tropical reforestation and restoration. As the majority of Formula Botanica’s students and graduates are women, TreeSisters mission of enabling a conscious shift to reinstate feminine leadership make it a double fit for the school as a charity of choice.

In this first year of contributions to TreeSisters, the school has funded 60,930 trees to be planted in 11 projects across the tropics which will provide vital habitats for endangered species as well as sustainable incomes for local communities.

The school has pledged to grow its Formula Botanica Forest to 250,000 trees by 2025. Formula Botanica’s corporate donation is boosted by students who contribute both through their course fees and through voluntary, individual donations. Formula Botanica gave TreeSisters an additional £1K donation to mark World Environment Day whose chosen theme in 2020 was biodiversity.

Cali White, Head of Business Partnerships at TreeSisters said: ”With shared objectives of women’s empowerment, nature connection and restorative business, Formula Botanica is one of those special partnerships that doesn’t come along every day. TreeSisters is a rallying cry for every business to take radical leadership on behalf of the planet by embedding trees into ongoing business models. With their goal of 250,000 trees by 2025, Formula Botanica is most definitely answering the call.”

Header Photo: courtesy of Plantlife

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Liz Ayling | Formula Botanica

Liz was Formula Botanica’s Content Coordinator between August 2020-2024. Liz worked as a professional blogger, journalist and site developer for many years and was also part of the Formula Botanica student community. Read more about the Formula Botanica Team.


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