Lorraine Dallmeier Voted No.1 in Who’s Who in Natural Beauty, 2020

2020-10 Lorraine Dallmeier voted #1

Natural Products News’ Top 25 Who’s Who in Natural Beauty sees Formula Botanica CEO Lorraine Dallmeier voted number one in its 2020 list announced in early October.

Dallmeier’s first appearance in the annual industry rankings was in 2014 shortly after she took over Formula Botanica, which was then a start-up and relatively new concept as an online, organic cosmetic science school. Since then, Lorraine Dallmeier has risen up the Who’s Who list to feature among its top five personalities for the past four years.

Natural Products News has been a leading industry voice in the UK since 1993. The Top 25 Who’s Who in Natural Beauty, which looks at pioneering and entrepreneurial personalities in the sector from across the world, is organised under the auspices of its quarterly publication Natural Beauty News and is announced each year in early autumn.

The publication said that if Dallmeier’s success could be ascribed to a single formula, it would be down to her sheer hard work, perseverance and a passion for natural and organic living. Lorraine Dallmeier, who was once a student herself on the single course offered by the forerunner entity she took over, has been the impetus behind growing Formula Botanica into an award-winning learning platform and experience for over 10,000 student cosmetic formulators and indie beauty entrepreneurs in some 164 countries.

Lorraine Dallmeier Voted No.1 in Who’s Who in Natural Beauty, 2020“I am hugely thrilled, excited, stunned and honoured to be voted in at number 1 in the 2020 Who’s Who in Natural Beauty. Being named the most influential person in natural beauty for the year is truly humbling.

I am grateful every day for having the opportunity to change the world one course and one formulation student at a time,” said Dallmeier.

In enabling aspiring entrepreneurs across the globe to access award-winning, online cosmetic science and business courses to help them build beauty businesses of their dreams, Dallmeier has demonstrated her personal entrepreneurial capabilities in both the green beauty and online education sectors.

Formula Botanica today is a tremendously successful online platform and digital publishing hub in the natural beauty industry. The school, which enrolled its 10,000th student in early summer 2020, has seen an annual average rise in new students of just under 50 per cent for the past three years.

Dallmeier is predicting even faster growth as the school drives home its message that ‘anyone can formulate’ with the expertise acquired on its courses. This strategy in action, plus heightened awareness of the benefits and business opportunities offered by natural cosmetics, has proved a winning combination for the school.

Key to Formula Botanica’s success is also Lorraine Dallmeier’s ability to be a strategic risk taker. “When the pandemic hit, I decided to buck the trend of reducing costs and forged ahead investing further in staff, contractors and tech. It was a scary decision to make especially as it involved hiring 21 new team members for whom the school feels a responsibility in these uncertain times. But, as a result of that investment, the business has grown by 75-80% during 2020,” explains Dallmeier.

“Recognition from gaining the number one spot goes also to Formula Botanica’s team of amazing, dedicated individuals who work to deliver an incredible online learning experience and help tens of thousands of indie entrepreneurs start beauty businesses,” Dallmeier said.

The outcome of this work is increasingly in evidence on retail shelves around the globe which are showcasing a new wave of boutique, natural brands, many created by the school’s students and graduates who are the source of its now over 1,100 five-star reviews on Trustpilot.

With a 10-strong course portfolio that has garnered industry recognition for excellence in the design of its learning content, Formula Botanica is leading the global green beauty movement. In announcing the rankings, Natural Beauty News gave Lorraine Dallmeier the epithet of ‘Natural Leader’. The title is more apt than ever this year given Formula Botanica’s exponential growth against the background of a sharp economic downturn.

Top 25 Who’s Who in Natural Beauty, 2020

  1. Lorraine Dallmeier, CEO, Formula Botanica
  2. Jayn Sterland, Managing Director, Weleda UK
  3. Alex & Kim Barani, Co-founders, Kinetic
  4. Jo & Stuart Chidley, Co-founders, Beauty Kitchen
  5. May Lindstrom, Founder, May Lindstrom Skin
  6. Helen Yeardsley, beauty industry expert, Y-Consultancy
  7. Ailish Lucas, Founder, The Glow Getter Collective
  8. Emma Thornton, Founder, TRUE Skincare
  9. Mark Smith, Director General, NATRUE
  10. Elsie Rutterford & Dominika Minarovic, Co-founders, BYBI Beauty (Formula Botanica Graduates)
  11. Alex Nicolaou, Co-founder, NINI Organics
  12. Fiona Klonarides, Founder, The Beauty Shortlist
  13. Dr Barbara Olioso, Founder, The Green Chemist Consultancy
  14. Victoria Wood, Founder, The Greener Beauty
  15. Georgia Barnes, Head of Business Development for Non-food, The Soil Association
  16. Ben Wigley, Co-founder, The Big Green Smile
  17. Madhuri Prabhakar, Project leader, Beat the Microbead
  18. Tabitha James Kraan, Founder, Tabitha James Kraan Hair Organics
  19. Mel Jenkinson, Founder, Glow Organic
  20. Janey Lee Grace, Marketing guru, presenter & author
  21. Tata Harper, CEO, Tata Harper Skincare
  22. Charlotte Vøhtz, CEO, Green People
  23. Lou Dartford, Makeup artist
  24. Sonia White, CEO, LoveLula
  25. Lisa Basso, Founder, Inner Senses (Formula Botanica Graduate)
  26. Rising Star: Zaffrin O’Sullivan, Five Dots Botanics (a Formula Botanica Graduate)



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Liz Ayling | Formula Botanica

Liz was Formula Botanica’s Content Coordinator between August 2020-2024. Liz worked as a professional blogger, journalist and site developer for many years and was also part of the Formula Botanica student community. Read more about the Formula Botanica Team.


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