The Lab at Formula Botanica Opens Membership to All

2020-11 Formula Botanic Lab opens

We are excited to announce that we are opening our exclusive membership site, The Lab at Formula Botanica, for the first time to non students this week (23-27 November, 2020). In The Lab, we share our unique, extra-curricula content on the latest in beauty industry innovation and research to reach a wider community of natural organic formulators.

We launched The Lab at Formula Botanica in early summer 2020 as monthly VIP training in organic formulation, botanical ingredients’ research and indie beauty entrepreneurship. While the school’s courses teach the principles of formulation to ensure our students build a solid foundation in natural, organic cosmetic science, The Lab covers innovation and research so its members can keep up to date with the latest in the industry.

The cosmetics industry is continuously evolving. Each week, we see new ingredient launches, new formulation techniques and new tricks for indie beauty brands to try.  A key aim of The Lab is to keep pace with that innovation by inviting guests from the industry to share their insights.

With The Lab having proved a resounding success already with our students, we felt the time was right to open the site to outside membership far earlier than planned.

How The Lab Works

Devised in layers of bite-sized content in thematic, standalone bundles – ‘Mini Labs’ – covering topics such as pH testing, beauty business branding and essential oils, The Lab membership site is an exciting, novel addition to the school that complements our portfolio of accredited, fixed-term courses.

The mini labs suit different levels of knowledge and modes of learning, and comprise short Lab Lecture series, Lab Lessons, and Masterclasses drawing on guest experts in beauty and cosmetic science.

The Lab is the kind of self-paced, pay-as-you-go learning that is in demand now. “That we had some 40,000 sign up for our free Masterclass training before the school’s regular autumn term enrolment shows the thirst worldwide for more informal, yet high-quality training on natural and organic formulation. To help meet that demand, we are opening up benefits of The Lab with its flexible modes of online learning and affordable, monthly subscription to a wider community of natural formulators,” said Formula Botanica CEO Lorraine Dallmeier.

Ana Green, membership coordinator of The Lab at Formula Botanica said that the membership site had now come of age and was ready to support a larger audience: “Our decision to open The Lab to non students after just six months’ proof of concept is a move I feel enormously proud of. The Lab is fulfilling its ambitious mission of helping even more natural formulators, whatever their level of knowledge or skills, be part of the dynamic, in-demand sector.

“What is particularly important to stress is that our bite-sized Mini Labs and our research libraries contain information created especially for the natural cosmetics’ formulator that is so sorely missing from the wider industry”, explained Ana Green.

“The content is dynamic and topical and Lab members are encouraged to suggest topics and skills to be covered. The Lab offers amazing depth and breadth of legacy content which allows our members to tackle mini lab topics that meet the needs of their own personal learning.”

Calling natural cosmetic formulators everywhere! Sign up for The Lab @FormulaBotanica. Membership opens 23-27 November. VIP monthly training in #organic #formulation, #botanical ingredients and #indiebeauty entrepreneurship. Click To Tweet

The Lab as part of the Formula Botanica Business

The Lab’s success as a new venture in just six months echoes the outstanding results Formula Botanica has achieved so far this year. Our online school registered 80 per cent growth in student course enrolments this year over 2019; a figure that far exceeded our expectations. Formula Botanica now has 11,500-plus students in 170 countries with enrollments this autumn adding new countries including Liberia, Uruguay and Azerbaijan.

The school’s phenomenal growth can be attributed to a combination of factors including its award-winning, eLearning platform and standing in the market with over 1,200, 5-star reviews on Trustpilot.

Year on year at Formula Botanica, we have been investing in our team, systems and products to drive forward our vision of teaching people to formulate safely and professionally. Over this time, the school has developed into a leading platform teaching organic formulation, but with The Lab at Formula Botanica, we are able to expand that learning to cover trends, new ingredients and innovation in the natural cosmetic industry. “We saw a huge hole in learning out there that can keep pace with the rapidly evolving naturals’ industry. The Lab is our solution to enabling natural formulators to stay ahead of the curve,” said Dallmeier.

Join Us in ‘The Lab’

The Lab at Formula Botanica opens membership from 23-27 November, 2020 to anyone anywhere in the world interested in natural, organic formulation.

To find out more about The Lab, join Lorraine and Ana from Formula Botanica for a live webinar on 24 November in which they’ll show you what the Lab looks like (and share some of our Mini Lab teaching materials for free!). We hope you’ll be able to join us.

Find out more about The Lab at Formula Botanica and Sign Up for Membership Here.

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Liz Ayling | Formula Botanica

Liz was Formula Botanica’s Content Coordinator between August 2020-2024. Liz worked as a professional blogger, journalist and site developer for many years and was also part of the Formula Botanica student community. Read more about the Formula Botanica Team.


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