Students and Graduates share their Formula Botanica Reviews

Formula Botanica Review

One of the things we are proudest of at Formula Botanica is our engaged group of students and graduates. With over 13,000 students from over 177 countries (as at July 2021), we have created a fantastic global community that is driving a movement in natural and organic skincare formulation.

Consumers are now demanding natural products and ingredients in cosmetics and our graduates are delivering niche indie beauty brands to fuel that demand. We are very proud of everything they’ve collectively achieved and we support them wholeheartedly in their business dreams. We work very hard to make their learning experience with Formula Botanica the very best we can.

We are also excited to share the, to date, 200 or so indie beauty brands we know of that our graduates have launched. We showcase them in our online gallery and encourage you to take a look at their inspiring brands, innovative businesses and unique approaches to product formulation. Their creativity knows no bounds and it is amazing to see that in this fast-growing indie and green beauty market that there is plenty of room for everyone.

Our graduates are more than making their mark, they are winning awards and raising significant investment capital too! For a glimpse at some of the growing band of Formula Botanica alumni movers and shakers don’t miss our round up of these 25 graduate brands you should be following.

So we are very excited to introduce some great blog posts reviewing Formula Botanica and our school, courses and community. These Formula Botanica reviews have been written by a number of our students and graduates in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.

We hope you enjoy these reviews – please do feel free to share them on social media!

Formula Botanica Review: Huna Natural Apothecary by Heather Urquhart

Formula Botanica Review: TOSé Skincare by Abha Sharma

Formula Botanica Review: Mansi Thukral Chandra

Formula Botanica Review: Olentium by Liz Grech

If you want to see our main review site, we also have a Trustpilot account for people who are studying with us or have completed one of our courses and want to leave a review of their experience with Formula Botanica. You can also watch our  video with firsthand reviews from Formula Botanica students and graduates.

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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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