Graduate Success Story: NESARA by Nicky

2017-02 Graduate Nesara by Nicky

Our graduates are trail blazing all over the world! In today’s blog post we have the huge pleasure of interviewing Nicky Lamba from Nesara by Nicky, a new skincare brand based in India. We also met Nicky at our 2016 live conference, when she joined us all the way from India. Nicky is such a wonderfully kind person and we know that she’s going to do great things with her new natural beauty business.

NESARA by Nicky

Hi Nicky, please introduce yourself to us – we’d love to hear more about you and your story!

I am Nicky Lamba and I live in a city called Pune, which is in western India. I was born in Bombay (now Mumbai), and part of my childhood was spent in Bangkok, Thailand.

My love affair with organic living began 12 years ago when I started working with a Cancer hospital as a counsellor . A propagator of everything natural, I soon developed a passion for healthy living. Long discussions with talented onco-surgeons while at work got me thinking on the lines of doing something in the field of healthy living for disease prevention. But I could never put my thoughts into action due to a lack of direction. 

How did you start your organic skincare business?

I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Last year, I met with an accident, which left me home bound for several months. Since I had so much time on my hands, I immersed myself into reading and research on essential oils and organic formulations.

Being incredibly fond of nature and natural foods, natural remedies and homemade herbal skin care potions, I started making sugar scrubs and body butters using essential oils for the first time. Seeing how much I was enjoying myself, my ever so supportive husband and children encouraged me to do this professionally.

There was a bit of a dilemma about whether to pursue health foods or study skincare in depth and introduce a skincare line. That’s when it struck me, “Why not think holistic, think comprehensive, think big?” Therefore, I decided to do something in both, health foods and handmade body luxuries.

I had found my calling. However, I wasn’t too confident of the shelf life of my skincare products. I needed to learn more. That’s when, I must admit, “Google Guru” came to my rescue. I came across this online course in organic skincare formulations. ENTER!! FORMULA BOTANICA!! The Harvard of Organic Skincare Sciences.

NESARA by Nicky Face MaskWhich courses did you study with Formula Botanica?

I started off with the Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation and went on to do the Certificate in Organic Anti-Ageing Skincare. Formula Botanica’s syllabus for each course is so well thought of and planned that by the end of it, all your questions are answered.

The methodical approach of the programme helped me  structure my thoughts on formulating. Right from learning how to research ingredients to systematically creating formulations and naturally preserving them, I started coming up with all kinds of organic skincare products and soon there was an entire range of handmade body luxuries which combined beauty, purity and well-being.

This was an exciting phase. I did face some challenges in packaging though, since I was not keen on using plastic containers for the creams and toners even though glass bottles and jars for products in such small quantities were not available anywhere in Pune. However, like they say, “If you truly want something from the bottom of your heart, the universe conspires to help you achieve it”; That’s exactly what happened with me! For example, I was on holiday in Bangkok strolling in a market when I stumbled upon a small shop which sold glass bottles and jars for all kinds of products. So I arranged for them to be sent to India and the rest, like they say, is history. 

How did come up with the idea for NESARA by Nicky?

Jim Rohn once said, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” With this philosophy, NESARA by Nicky was born. The name NESARA is derived from the Sanskrit word, “Nesar” which means, “Nature”.

Motivated by a deep desire for salubrious living, I started studying the use of Ayurvedic herbs in skincare formulations. Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of medicine and natural healing from India, and is the oldest known form of healthcare in the world from nearly 6000 years ago. It sees human beings as an integral part of nature.

Aspiring to extract the best from nature’s vast repertoire to recreate fresh and pure formulations, and achieve that perfect fusion of traditional and modern-day self-care, NESARA started creating a place in the hearts of people.

NESARA by Nicky

What type of skincare products do you sell at NESARA by Nicky?

We make body butters, facial creams, cleansers and skin tonics. Our popular products as of now are the Gentle Chamomile Cleansing Face-Wash and the Creme Intense. Our cold process soaps are also a bestseller! Due to the huge demand for anti-aging products, I’m currently working on launching a capsule range titled, “Age Is Just A Number “.

For the food you eat or the skin you’re in, you always have a choice. 

Thank you to Nicky for sharing her story and telling us all about NESARA by Nicky! If you want to follow Nicky online, you can find her in the following places:



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How to become an
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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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