Podcast 103: How to run a refillable beauty scheme

Refillable beauty scheme

On Green Beauty Conversations, we have covered some challenging concepts in sustainable beauty such as the circular economy, carbon neutral and climate neutral beauty and zero waste. We admit these are not easy to grasp, but together with some incredible guests, this podcast has tried to unpacked these topics in simple terms.

While we might all nod in agreement with the ideals and aspirations driving sustainability concepts, just how do we in the indie beauty world make them part of our daily lives and businesses? Isn’t the circular economy something that only big beauty brands with significant research teams and funds can put into practice?

In this episode, we hear from one indie beauty entrepreneur whose actions answer this question with a resounding ‘No’. We find out that small brands can do just as much to reduce, recycle and reuse and retain resources in the economy as big businesses. It just takes vision, drive and some lateral thinking.

Formula Botanica CEO and podcast host Lorraine Dallmeier speaks to indie beauty entrepreneur Tammy Facey who single-handedly pioneered her own circular economy scheme. In 2017, Tammy founded Jim + Henry, the UK’s first brand for Afro and curly hair type to create a leave-in hair conditioner comprised of only eight ingredients. Committed to sustainable beauty, Tammy set herself the mission of building a refillable beauty business. Listen in to her story and discover how small indie beauty brands can play their part in the circular economy too.

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The @FormulaBotanica podcast talks to inspirational indie beauty brand founder Tammy Facey @jim_and_henry about how to set up a refillable beauty scheme. #greenbeauty #refillablebeauty #sustainablebeauty Click To Tweet

In this episode on refillable beauty, you will hear:

  • How glass is often seen as the ultimate recyclable option for indie beauty, but that given its potential to break and its weight, it is not a clear-cut solution. Post-consumer recycled material (PCR) plastic has advantages too and if refilled, it can be kept in the circular economy loop for years.
  • The growth of refill and zero waste stores in localities means there are more opportunities than ever for small brands to launch refillable schemes near their customers.
  • It doesn’t have to be complicated to start a refill scheme: Google refill stores, see where other major refillable brands are stocked, and approach refill retailers to take your products. Just make life easy for them to order from you to restock and make sure you drive return customers to them.
  • Engage in an education campaign through your website and social media to let customers know the benefits of refillable beauty and how to go about it – as locally as possible to them

Key takeouts include

  • Think about reusing any large containers your suppliers send your bulk ingredients in. If cleaned and sanitised well, they can be filled and sent out with your refill stock to your retailers.
  • Beauty consumers are still not accustomed to refilling cosmetics’ containers so it might be challenging to get the refill message across. Work with them by encouraging them to let you know of refill stockists you can approach.
  • Explain to customers the three key advantages of refillable beauty: it saves the planet; it saves them cash; and it saves time as they can refill at a local store and avoid postage and packing costs too.
  • Don’t overthink your scheme; make it simple, start small and local, and learn the ropes and get your logistics in order and it can grow organically – even if you are, like Tammy, the sole person in the business.

Meet our guest

Tammy FaceyFounder and CEO Tammy Facey created Jim + Henry in 2017 as a response to a need; luxurious, but effective Afro and curly hair care that delivers stunning results with a few, but fine ingredients. The brand operates a zero-waste policy, which Tammy actively practices.

Jim + Henry’s ethos and approach to curls has been noticed by the likes of Nathalie Emmanuel, star of Game of Thrones, and has garnered coverage in Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and UK TV station ITV’s ‘This Morning’. In 2020, Tammy’s #FrOtober campaign empowering Afro-haired individuals to celebrate their natural curls was featured on ITV Central’s 6pm programme, which followed Tammy’s first live TV interview on Channel 5 in 2019 for her campaign.

Tammy initially began her working life as a journalist in London, but left her role with a few savings to start the business. Five years later, and after weathering the pandemic, Jim + Henry is ready to share with the world what it has known since inception: I am more than enough when I am truly myself.

Tammy is offering Formula Botanica blog readers 20% off online purchases with the code FORMULATE until end of April 2022.

Find Jim + Henry at:
Website: Jimandhenry.com
Twitter: @_jimandhenry_
Facebook: /JimandHenry
Instagram: @_jimandhenry_

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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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