Podcast 233: From crime journalist to skincare entrepreneur

Podcast 233: From crime journalist to skincare entrepreneur

What if you could transform your demanding, emotionally draining job into a fulfilling career that makes you smile every day? That’s exactly what Anna Boiardi, founder of AnnaB Cosmetics, did. In this episode of Green Beauty Conversations, we dive deep into her inspiring entrepreneurial journey.

From being a crime journalist on Italian TV to launching her own natural skincare line, Anna’s story is sure to make you think, “If she can do it, so can I.

Anna opens up about her life as a journalist, mother, and budding entrepreneur. In this episode, she reveals how she used her passion for skincare to create products that addressed her own skin concerns and helped others.

While Anna’s journey wasn’t easy, her determination and belief in natural cosmetics turned AnnaB Cosmetics into a success story.

Learn about Anna’s entrepreneurial journey and discover why her brand is making waves in the industry. If you’re looking for the inspiration to follow your dreams—no matter how unrelated they might seem to your current career—this episode is a must-listen!

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“When I started studying skincare, I knew this was my path—it made me happy, and when you do what you love, everything changes.”

— Anna Boiardi

In this episode with Anna Boiardi, you will hear:

  • Anna’s journey: Discover how Anna transitioned from a career in crime journalism to becoming a skincare entrepreneur. She opens up about the emotional toll her previous job took and how studying at Formula Botanica gave her a fresh, fulfilling direction.
  • Inspiration: Learn about the personal inspiration behind AnnaB Cosmetics. Anna’s formulations are tailored to tackle her own skin concerns, like dark spots, uneven complexion, and hydration—making her brand deeply personal and effective.
  • Anna’s approach: Anna is committed to creating natural skincare that truly works. She uses high-quality ingredients and produces fresh, small-batch products to maintain purity and potency.
  • Indie brand challenges: Anna faced significant challenges as an indie beauty brand, especially finding manufacturers that met her minimum order quantity (MOQ) requirements. Discover how she overcame these hurdles while staying true to her brand’s values and maintaining strict ingredient standards.
  • Staying true to your vision: Anna highlights the importance of sticking to your business vision, even when others encourage shortcuts. Staying authentic to her goals has been key to her success in the beauty industry.

Key takeouts include:

  • Passion fuels success: Anna’s story is a perfect example of how finding joy in your work can lead to success. She didn’t set out to become a skincare entrepreneur; she followed her passion, and her business flourished as a result.
  • Balancing career and entrepreneurship: As a journalist and mother, Anna shows how it’s possible to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams even with a busy life. Her advice to new entrepreneurs is to relax and enjoy the process without putting too much pressure on themselves.
  • Staying true to your values: Anna shares how she resisted pressure to make her products more commercially viable by cutting corners. Instead, she stayed committed to high-quality ingredients and sustainable packaging, ensuring her products remained authentic to her vision.
  • Growing an indie beauty brand: From starting in her kitchen to now running a business with three employees, Anna details the ups and downs of growing AnnaB Cosmetics, including her plans for future expansion, rebranding, and new product lines.

Meet our guest – Anna Boiardi, founder of AnnaB Cosmetics

Podcast 233: From crime journalist to skincare entrepreneurAnna Boiardi, also known as the Alchemist of Italian Natural Cosmetics, is the founder of AnnaB Cosmetics, a niche beauty brand focused on creating high-quality, natural skincare products.

Before launching her skincare line, Anna was a journalist for the Italian crime TV program Quarto Grado, a role that led her to explore a new passion in skincare formulation to counterbalance the emotional demands of her job.

Through her brand, AnnaB Cosmetics, Anna has developed a range of products designed to treat her own skin concerns—dark spots and dryness—using innovative, natural ingredients. Today, AnnaB Cosmetics offers 17 products and continues to grow as a trusted name in natural skincare.

Find out more about AnnaB Cosmetics:

Special offer for listeners:

Use code FORMULABOTANICA20 for 20% off all products at AnnaBcosmetics.com

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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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