Meet the Graduate: Emma Butt of The Sunday Standard

We’re always excited to discover that one of our students has started their entrepreneurial journey when they sign up for a course with us. When we interviewed Emma Butt, founder of The Sunday Standard, in late autumn 2018, she had just launched her second brand, drawing on her Formula Botanica studies to create a more high-performance, targeted skincare range to replace her earlier business.

Emma enrolled with us back in 2017 when she realised she needed to grow her business by gaining greater confidence in her formulating and also, importantly, in having the background knowledge to help her explain her product benefits more professionally to customers: “I knew I needed to find confidence in my work and what I learned on the Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation went beyond my expectations. I learned for example, how the skin works – its function and health – and the ingredients I’d need to tackle skin issues, about absorption rates and how things combine and really all the processes behind making stable formulas. I felt I could talk to people comfortably and confidently after my studies.”

In this interview

Emma talks to us about how she came up with her highly unusual brand name, and how powerful it is in grabbing attention in a very crowded marketplace. Having worked in the fashion industry in her earlier career, Emma’s aesthetic and eye for brand detail stood her in good stead in founding The Sunday Standard. However, she stresses that there is no better boost for a start-up skincare entrepreneur than to ask for help from friends and followers and perhaps even to crowdsource opinions and ideas at times too.

Emma also realised in building her second brand that the skincare entrepreneur needs to find a specific niche to stand out in. The Sunday Standard’s four-product range is focused on helping manage acne and blemish-prone skin and also celebrates colour in its products as a way to differentiate itself.

The Sunday Standard is Emma’s new confident brand and even at this early stage she already has plans to grow it faster and further by finding partner retailers. Here, she talks to our Community Manager Kelly about starting up and growing her unique, US-based brand.

Thank you Emma for sharing your inspiration and experiences in creating your brand. If you’d like to follow Emma’s journey at The Sunday Standard skincare, head over to:

The Sunday Standard website.
The Sunday Standard on Instagram.
The Sunday Standard on Pinterest.

If you would like to follow in Emma’s footsteps and start a new career in green beauty with the support of a like-minded community of natural formulators, take our free, organic skincare formulation sample class and you’ll be on the road to starting the organic skincare business of your dreams.

Find out more about the Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation Emma chose or browse one of our many other organic skincare formulation courses.

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Kelly Gill | Formula Botanica

Kelly is Formula Botanica’s Student experience coordinator. She runs our very busy online classroom as well as our big, free networking group: the Skincare Entrepreneur Mastermind.  Read more about the Formula Botanica Team.


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