Podcast 104: Entrepreneurial sustainability in action

Podcast 104 Entrepreneurial sustainability in action

Welcome to this Green Beauty Opinion in which Formula Botanica CEO and podcast host Lorraine Dallmeier shares her main takeout’s on the last episode, with guest Tammy Facey, founder of indie beauty brand Jim + Henry.

In a beauty world struggling to grasp sustainability concepts, let alone act on them, solopreneur Tammy impressed us with her simple solutions for getting a product refill scheme up and running.  Where mainstream and big beauty brands stall behind well-meaning reports and set impressive goals for decades ahead, Tammy shows how indie beauty can succeed in doing something about sustainability right now.

Sustainable practices can’t wait. If indie beauty adopts simple answers – which in Tammy’s case meant picking up the phone and persuading refill stores to join her network – we can start to chip away at the complex challenges and make a real difference. Indie beauty doesn’t need to overthink the issues.  With the founder often as sole decision-maker, it can be nimble, and pioneer simple, local solutions that make a difference immediately.

In this opinion short, Lorraine asks if indie brands will prove the most entrepreneurial in the beauty sector when it comes to sustainable beauty.

Listen in for a thought-provoking opinion in which Lorraine challenges us to be the voice of change and integrity, making the beauty industry better and more sustainable.

Listen here

Indie beauty entrepreneurs can lead the way with simple solutions for greater sustainability. The @FormulaBotanica podcast asks if you're up to the challenge? #sustainability #greenbeauty #GreenBeautyConversations Click To Tweet

Lorraine has heard time and again bigger players in the beauty sector lament that they can’t do more or act now on sustainability goals as the infrastructure isn’t there. Even in the indie sector, a common response is that while willing to work on sustainability, small beauty brands are hampered by the lack of recycling infrastructure, sustainable packaging options, certification schemes they can afford, and all manner of other support. How can they possibly do the right thing?

What Tammy proved is that it can just take an entrepreneurial mindset focused on sustainability to get you over these hurdles. As a one-woman team at Jim+Henry, a minimalist natural brand for Afro and curly hair types, Tammy had no fancy refill stations nor fancy sustainable packaging. She stepped up to the challenge, thought practically, recycled and reused her own supplier’s packaging and made it possible for customers to refill and reuse in their localities.

Don’t be fooled that big beauty brands are making the strides they claim. In her opinion short, Lorraine gives an example of a big personal care brand redesigning packaging for sustainability but admitting that most of it still wouldn’t be recycled.

Size doesn’t matter in acting on sustainability. While indie beauty is world’s apart from personal care giants, it can have the advantage of connecting directly to and helping educate its customers on sensible, simple solutions everyone can adopt effortlessly.  Lorraine is sure that entrepreneurial sustainability is the way forward to driving greater sustainability in the beauty sector. Are you up to the challenge?

Thank you for joining us for this episode of the Formula Botanica Green Beauty Conversations podcast. If you enjoyed listening, please share, subscribe and review this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Youtube so that more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.


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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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