PODCAST 221: Exploring the EU Greenwashing Ban for beauty

Podcast 221 - EU Greenwashing Ban

Pretty soon, any beauty brand making eco-friendly claims in the European Union might want to start looking over their shoulder if they haven’t got the evidence to back up their sustainability claims.

In this episode of Green Beauty Conversations, Lorraine Dallmeier, CEO of Formula Botanica, welcomes Priscilla Rolvers to discuss the new EU Greenwashing Directive. Priscilla is the founder of Green Cosmetics Revolution.

Together they look back at the history of sustainability goals globally and in the EU. It led to the creation of the Green Deal and the goal of making Europe the first climate-neutral continent. The greenwashing ban will likely play a pivotal role in this.

Priscilla explains the directive aims to protect consumers by banning misleading claims. The guide: if there’s no proof, it can’t be said. The impact will be significant for the beauty industry.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of sustainable beauty.

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“We want an economy that works for people, not just for profit. This greenwashing ban is a step towards making the beauty industry more transparent and sustainable.”

– Priscilla Rolvers


  • The origins of green cosmetics revolution: Priscilla shares her journey from studying herbal remedies to founding a consultancy focused on sustainable beauty.
  • The EU’s new greenwashing Directive: An in-depth look at the new regulations approved by the European Parliament aimed at eliminating false environmental claims in beauty products.
  • Implications for beauty brands: Discussion on how these regulations will affect beauty brands, particularly those operating in the EU, and what steps they need to take to comply.
  • Challenges and opportunities: Insights into the challenges small and medium-sized enterprises might face under the new directive and the opportunities for brands to genuinely embrace sustainability.
  • The future of sustainable beauty: Predictions on how the directive might influence global regulations and the future of green beauty marketing. Lorraine and Priscilla also discuss the practice of ‘green hushing’ (keeping quiet about sustainability achievements for fear of getting it wrong) and its potential rise due to stricter regulations.

Key takeouts include:

  • Understanding the greenwashing ban: The new EU directive is a game-changer, aiming to hold companies accountable for their sustainability claims. Priscilla explains what this means for beauty brands and consumers. The greenwashing ban is not a national law. It’s a directive that sets a goal for EU member states to achieve within two years. This means each country will develop regulations to follow the directive.
  • Proof and certification: To make any eco-friendly claim, brands will need solid proof, such as certifications or detailed reports on CO2 emissions. This ensures transparency and trust in the market. Companies who break the rules may be excluded from procurements, lose their revenues and face a fine of at least 4% of their annual turnover.
  • Impact on businesses: While large corporations are the primary targets, the directive also affects small and medium-sized enterprises, although micro-businesses are likely to be excluded. The directive aims to level the playing field, but its enforcement and impact will vary across the EU.
  • Consumer protection and trust: The directive is designed to protect consumers from misleading claims, ensuring they can make informed decisions about the products they buy.
  • Global influence: As EU regulations often set the benchmark, similar greenwashing bans might soon appear in other regions, influencing global beauty standards.

Meet our guest: Priscilla Rolvers

PODCAST 221: Exploring the EU Greenwashing Ban for beautyPriscilla Rolvers is a cosmetic scientist and founder of Green Cosmetics Revolution, a sustainability consultancy on a mission to transform the cosmetics industry into a future-proof, sustainable sector.

Green Cosmetics Revolution serves as a freelance Sustainability Coordinator for small and medium beauty businesses. The consultancy helps cosmetics professionals set and implement sustainability goals, empowering them to become Green Cosmetics Revolutionists themselves. With Priscilla’s expertise in cosmetic science, the consultancy specialises in (re)formulating products to enhance sustainability without compromising quality or efficacy.

Priscilla is passionate about helping companies align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, achieve Net Zero emissions, and enhance their brand reputation through sustainability. She creates engaging content and is working on a book about applying the SDGs to the cosmetics industry.

Through consulting and writing, Green Cosmetics Revolution aims to inspire and support cosmetic professionals in becoming sustainability revolutionists and creating a future where beauty and sustainability coexist.

Find out more about Priscilla Rolvers and Green Cosmetics Revolution:

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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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