Podcast 189: Biotech ingredient wars revolutionising cosmetics

Biotech ingredient wars

In this ground-breaking episode of Green Beauty Conversations, we dive into the world of biotech beauty, a realm where the age-old practices of botanical extraction meet cutting-edge science. For millennia, the natural world provided the raw ingredients for cosmetics. The early 1900s brought chemistry to bear on ingredient manufacture, but now, with the massive rise in demand for all-natural beauty products, we are seeing demand for plant-extracted cosmetic ingredients outstripping supply.

Factor in the costs to the natural world associated with growing, harvesting and processing plant-based ingredients, and you begin to realise that biotech could be the sustainable solution for the beauty industry. Biotech ingredients that mimic plant extracts like for like can scale, be created sustainably in a lab, reduce costs, claim efficacy and be high-performance cosmetic ingredient sources.

Are we at the cusp of a massive shift to biotech in the cosmetics industry? Are we also about to see ingredient wars between the all-natural, plant-extracted camp and the biotech pioneers?

Our guest, Josh Britton, CEO of Debut Biotech, guides us through the revolutionary changes biotechnology is bringing to the cosmetic industry. Join podcast host and Formula Botanica CEO Lorraine Dallmeier as she uncovers how Debut Biotech is leading the charge in this new era, transcending traditional methods to create high-performance, sustainable ingredients.

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In this episode with Josh Britton, you will hear:

  • The journey of Debut Biotech in creating bio-based cosmetic ingredients.
  • How Debut Biotech’s approach challenges the conventional use of botanicals in cosmetics.
  • Insights into the process of discovering and synthesising powerful new bioactives.
  • The role of biotech in advancing sustainability and efficacy in beauty products.
  • Josh’s experiences and challenges in transitioning the industry towards bio-based ingredients.
  • The potential of biotech to reshape the future landscape of cosmetic formulations.
  • Debut Biotech’s collaboration with major brands and their support for small and independent brands.

Key takeouts include:

  • The importance of innovation in ingredient sourcing for the future of cosmetics.
  • How Debut Biotech’s biotechnological advancements are creating superior alternatives to traditional ingredients.
  • The potential of biotech to revolutionise product efficacy and sustainability.
  • The growing influence of biotech in shaping consumer expectations and industry standards.

Meet our guest – Josh Britton, CEO of Debut Biotech

Joshua Britton Debut BiotechJosh Britton, with his extensive background in chemistry and a passion for sustainable beauty solutions, leads Debut Biotech towards a new horizon in cosmetic science. His vision is not just to reformulate, but to reinvent the ingredients at the core of beauty products, making a profound impact on the industry’s future.

Find out more about Josh Britton and Debut Biotech:

Debut Biotech Website
Joshua Britton on LinkedIn
Debut Biotech on X (formerly known as Twitter)

If you want to hear more about some of the topics we covered, please delve back into the podcast archives. Go and listen to:

Episode 121: Biotech beauty – the controversial new frontier
Episode 122: Lab-grown skincare – the new normal?


Thank you for joining us for this episode of the Formula Botanica Green Beauty Conversations podcast. If you enjoyed listening, please share, subscribe and review this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Youtube so that more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.


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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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