We expect to find beauty brands that are certified clean, green, sustainable, Halal, vegan, carbon negative, plastic free and a whole lot more. But, would you know which to choose if you had to opt for a vegan or plastic-negative version of the same product. “Have we over-certified the beauty industry to the point of confusion?”, asks Formula Botanica CEO and podcast host Lorraine Dallmeier.
Confused by the range of beauty certifications and claims? @FormulaBotanica podcast asks if the industry has reach the tipping point. #beautyclaims #sustainablebeauty #cosmeticclaims Click To Tweet
In this opinion short, Lorraine says that even those of us in the beauty industry struggle to make sense of all the certification schemes, so it is inevitable that many beauty consumers will simply have no clue about their merits. Now, retailers like Target and Sephora are coming up with their own standards and choosing to reject stocking brands on the basis of their own criteria.
In her last guest episode, Lorraine interviewed Yashi Shrestha, Head of Science & Research at Novi Connect, an online platform helping cosmetic formulators comply from product inception stage with a variety of standards. Similarly, another platform Provenance, also a recent podcast guest, helps with product transparency by using Blockchain to verify brands’ claims.
But, even with these innovative, pioneering platforms, Lorraine says she keeps coming back to the question of whether the beauty industry needs all these certification schemes. Has the beauty industry gone too far and made life impossible for itself and its consumers?
This podcast has covered a large number of the most commonly used terms and certifications on beauty and we urge you to delve into the archives to play catch up on them. Many still seem open to interpretation though.
The fact remains that many cosmetic formulators are relying on obtuse supply chains that may not have all the documentation required to verify a claim or help certify a standard. The beauty industry is still working in the dark having created standards that for many are simply unattainable. Entities like Novi and Provenance are part of the solution, but the root cause of confusion is the volume of certification schemes in the first place.
Lorraine challenges us as formulators and beauty shoppers to ask ourselves what really matters to us. What standards and claims do we prioritise and why? Or, are we simply too exhausted and confused by the schemes to know? Listen in to another Green Beauty Opinion that challenges us to make the beauty industry a better, more sustainable place.
Thank you for joining us for this episode of the Formula Botanica Green Beauty Conversations podcast. If you enjoyed listening, please share, subscribe and review this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Youtube so that more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.
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Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.