Meet the Beauty Entrepreneur: Meryl Marshall of Hynt Beauty

Formula Botanica is currently interviewing skincare entrepreneurs all over the world to learn their secrets of running a successful brand. In our first interview, we spoke to Anju Rupal, Founder of Abhati Suisse. In our latest video, we have the honour of speaking to Meryl Marshall of Hynt Beauty.

Hynt was born through Co-Founder Meryl Marshall’s need and passion to find makeup and skincare products that offered her the assurance and confidence that whatever she was putting on her skin was safe, non-irritable and carcinogen-free. Having recently conquered breast cancer, she took great care in educating herself on the product labels and on each of the ingredients formulated into her everyday beauty products. Quickly, her search for skin-healthy but still luxurious beauty essentials turned into an elusive hunt.

To her disappointment, Meryl found that other skin-healthy lines failed to fulfil her desire to use luxuriously textured, richly pigmented, and smartly packaged products. Such aesthetic touches are essential to how a woman feels each time she applies her coveted makeup essentials magical, beautiful, special.

Meryl decided to create her own cosmetics line using state-of-the-art natural formulations. Now women who prioritise the purity and health of their skin have a glamorous, fun and trust-worthy beauty collection that they can wholeheartedly enjoy every day at any moment.

In our exclusive interview, Meryl tells us about her experiences in starting and growing her successful brand. Meryl tells us what drives her business, shares her inspirational personal story and helps us understand what it takes to be successful.

Want to subscribe to all of our latest videos? Follow our Skincare Entrepreneur TV Channel on YouTube.

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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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