Formula Botanica courses taught in 100+ countries

2016-11 Formula Botanica teaches in 175 plus countries

We are very proud to announce that in October 2016 we enrolled a student in the 100th country where we’ve taught. Then we sat down with all of our student records and realised that we can’t count and found out that we’ve actually taught in 104 countries / territories around the world! This is a truly amazing achievement, particularly as Formula Botanica has only existed since April 2012.

So we decided to make a list of all the countries and territories where we’ve taught Formula Botanica courses:

  1. Albania
  2. Argentina
  3. Armenia
  4. Aruba
  5. Australia
  6. Austria
  7. Bahamas
  8. Bahrain
  9. Barbados
  10. Belgium
  11. Botswana
  12. Brazil
  13. Brunei
  14. Bulgaria
  15. Canada
  16. Chile
  17. China
  18. Colombia
  19. Costa Rica
  20. Cyprus
  21. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  22. Denmark
  23. Ecuador
  24. Egypt
  25. Finland
  26. Fiji
  27. France
  28. Germany
  29. Ghana
  30. Greece
  31. Guatamala
  32. Hong Kong
  33. Hungary
  34. India
  35. Indonesia
  36. Iran
  37. Ireland
  38. Israel
  39. Italy
  40. Jamaica
  41. Japan
  42. Jordan
  43. Kazakhstan
  44. Kenya
  45. Kuwait
  46. Latvia
  47. Lebanon
  48. Lesotho
  49. Lithuania
  50. Luxemburg
  51. Malawi
  52. Malaysia
  53. Malta
  54. Mauritius
  55. Mexico
  56. Moldova
  57. Monaco
  58. Mongolia
  59. Morocco
  60. Mozambique
  61. Namibia
  62. Netherlands
  63. New Zealand
  64. Nicaragua
  65. Nigeria
  66. Norway
  67. Pakistan
  68. Palestine
  69. Paraguay
  70. Peru
  71. Philippines
  72. Poland
  73. Portugal
  74. Puerto Rico
  75. Qatar
  76. Romania
  77. Russia
  78. Rwanda
  79. Saudi Arabia
  80. Serbia
  81. Seychelles
  82. Singapore
  83. Slovakia
  84. Slovenia
  85. South Africa
  86. South Korea
  87. Spain
  88. Sri Lanka
  89. St Maarten
  90. Sweden
  91. Switzerland
  92. Taiwan
  93. Tanzania
  94. Thailand
  95. Trinidad & Tobago
  96. Turkey
  97. UAE
  98. Ukraine
  99. United Kingdom
  100. US Virgin Islands
  101. United States of America
  102. Venezuela
  103. Vietnam
  104. Zambia

Formula Botanica hosts a truly global community of organic cosmetic formulators and entrepreneurs. Want to join our international student community? Enrol with Formula Botanica today.

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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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