A Decade in Natural Formulation: A Round up of the 2010s

2019-12 Natural beauty in the 2010s

As the 2010s draw to a close and we stand at the beginning of the 2020s, our CEO Lorraine Dallmeier reviews a fantastic decade for green, natural and indie beauty. Lorraine started in natural formulation back in 2010 when she started designing her BeautyCraft DIY app for iOS, so looks back on the last ten years and the big changes she’s witnessed.

Natural Formulation Shifts of the 2010s

This decade in natural formulation has seen a number of big trends and shifts and, in this video, Lorraine summarises the 5 biggest changes that she’s seen in the last ten years.

1. Natural has gone mainstream

Consumer awareness has grown so much that everyone is talking about the need for skincare, haircare and makeup to be natural – even the big players are now creating natural formulations and even seeking out organic certification. Naturals are now mainstream and are here to stay in the 2020s and beyond.

2. Increase in natural and naturally derived ingredients

It wasn’t always easy to make natural formulations in the last decade with many natural functional ingredients not available, but we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of naturally derived emulsifiers, surfactants, solubilisers, preservatives and chelators. These functional ingredients now allow formulators to create lotions, conditioners and cleansers that can call themselves natural.

3. Natural formulations have improved

With new ingredients comes the opportunity to create better formulations – and this is exactly what we’ve seen. Many of the natural formulations that were available in 2010 are completely different to those that will be available in 2020. As a result of more ingredients becoming available, it’s now possible to make high performance natural serums, beautifully foaming natural
shampoos and amazing natural lotions.

4. Increase in pseudo-science

The rise of social media has allowed a lot of incorrect information to spread about cosmetics. It’s time that information about cosmetics was evidence- based, rather than based on pseudo-science and Formula Botanica will continue to work hard in the 2020s to change hearts and minds around science in beauty. Lorraine has however seen a slight fall in the use of
pseudo-science in the last year, so it looks like this phenomenon may be on the decrease for the 2020s.

5. The rise of the indie beauty brand

A wonderful side effect of naturals going mainstream and ingredients becoming easier to obtain has been the rise of the indie beauty brand. The Formula Botanica community is filled with hundreds, if not thousands, of brand owners across the world – anyone can start their own beauty brand nowadays, which will very much continue in 2020s.

Naturals are now mainstream and sustainability is the next big shift for beauty - @herbBlurb's round-up of the 2010s predictions for the 2020s #naturalbeauty #greenbeauty Click To Tweet

Natural Formulation in the 2020s: Lorraine’s Predictions

Lorraine anticipates a big change in the way the cosmetics sector tackles sustainability and predicts the rise of carbon neutral beauty and biodiversity-friendly beauty to try and stem the wide-ranging impacts of the global beauty industry. Lorraine also hopes to see the natural vs synthetic debate shift to  see both sides of the industry working together to tackle the environmental and social impacts of the beauty sector.

As conscious consumerism continues to take hold, sustainability will become more than just a word used to describe a reduction in beauty packaging – instead, Lorraine predicts that sustainability will sit at the heart of ingredients sourcing, shipping, manufacturing, packaging, usage and disposal: taking an increased lifecycle approach to cosmetics.

Read more: What is Clean Beauty? A Redefinition

How to become an Organic Skincare Entrepreneur

How to make Natural Skincare Products: A Step by Step Guide

Join us in growing the Formula Botanica Forest

Formula Botanica cares deeply about doing the right thing by the environment as we move into the 2020s, so Lorraine has committed to giving 1% of the School’s global course sales to charities that align with our core values of ecological sustainability and female empowerment.

We recently donated £10,000 to Plantlife International, a wonderful UK-based charity who speak up for plants, wildflowers and fungi and run conservation projects to protect plant life. We’ve supported them every year since Lorraine took over Formula Botanica in 2014 and, as Formula Botanica has grown, we’ve been able to increase our donations each year.

Our students and our team has made it possible to speak up for plants across the world and to support the work of a fantastic charity for the last six years. Formula Botanica is now also very proud to announce our partnership with TreeSisters, a charity growing a global network of women who donate to fund the acceleration of tropical reforestation as an expression of collective planetary care. We are aiming to plant and grow the global Formula Botanica Forest with 250,000 trees by 2025


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How to become an
Organic Skincare Entrepreneur

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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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