Join Lorraine and Gemma as they vlog from the Indie Beauty Expo London 2018, interviewing Formula Botanica graduate brands...
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When to choose Biobased Packaging for Cosmetics – an interview with Caroli Buitenhuis
, Indie Beauty BusinessBiobased packaging is here to stay. We recently interviewed Caroli Buitenhuis, an expert in packaging and circular concept development, to learn...
There are so many daily to-do lists when operating a beauty or wellness business that trademark strategy often takes...
Rachel Brown is the Editor for Beauty Independent, a digital publication dedicated to pioneering entrepreneurs in the indie beauty...
Australian cosmetic regulatory landscape You’re interested in making and selling your cosmetic products in Australia, and have been trawling...
Many of our followers are at the stage that they want to outsource skincare manufacturing of their formulations. Outsourcing the...
Formula Botanica opened up enrolment for its first natural haircare course in June 2017: the Diploma in Organic Haircare...
Formula Botanica is currently interviewing beauty, skincare and wellness entrepreneurs all over the world to learn their secrets of running a...
Formula Botanica is currently interviewing beauty, skincare and wellness entrepreneurs all over the world to learn their secrets of running a...
In today’s blog post we’re thrilled to collaborate with Sarita Coren of the Hub of Clean living again. Sarita...
Learn how to become an Organic Skincare Formulator
How to become an Organic Skincare Entrepreneur
How to become an Organic Skincare Entrepreneur
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