The benefits of Myrrh in Skincare

2013-12 Myrrh in skincare

Imagine having access today to one of the most precious oils in history. A rejuvenating oil that’s been used for beautification treatments dating back to ancient times. It was an oil favored by King Solomon’s wives and was also used by Queen Cleopatra, a woman still known today for her unending beauty. This timeless, fragrant beauty oil of myrrh is still precious today for its powerful properties in skincare and in perfumery.

What makes this rich, smoky, balsamic-smelling oil so valuable to the beauty traditions of the past? Many were aware of, even if in ancient times they had no scientific evidence for, myrrh’s anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and expectorant properties such as its therapeutic properties working to mitigate the symptoms of mucous coughs. Its aroma was also sought after for its uplifting, purifying and meditative effects. And then there is its effect when included in skincare.

Your skin replaces itself every 28 days and what is revealed is a manifestation of the care it receives through excellent nutrition and external sources. Myrrh was found to be a healer of dry, wrinkled and inflamed skin, including distressed skin conditions such as eczema and boils. It was notoriously known to smooth over skin and balance uneven skin tone by fading spots and scars. Collagen and elasticity are the components of youth, and myrrh can assist in maintaining and increasing them in order for skin to maintain its suppleness.

Some of the most powerful elements are the ones that come from the most natural, simple sources. There is such beauty in simplicity, and such beauty to be found in oils such as myrrh.

Guest post by Kendra Kadrlik

Bio: Kendra, CNT, is a holistic nutritionist who strongly believes in the power of food to help heal and balance the body.

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Lorraine Dallmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a Biologist, Chartered Environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetic science school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica Team.


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