Silvana Prado from Silvestra


founder: Silvana Prado
course: Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation + Advanced Diploma in Organic Cosmetic Science + Certificate in Organic Anti-Ageing Skincare + Certificate in Facial Masque Therapy
Graduation year: 2017
location: Peru
Hero product: Hydrating serum

Brand overview

Silvestra emerged from a mother-daughter duo’s shared passion to find ways to incorporate natural and pure elements into every aspect of their daily lives. It began with Silvana making soaps for the whole family, but she soon became fully immersed in the meticulous tweaking of her formulas and ingredients in order to create the healthiest cosmetic products. Throughout the years, Formula Botanica helped her to discover new ingredients, master innovative formulas, and develop formulating techniques. What began as a hobby has now transformed into a full-fledged family business. Silvestra is now operated by four women with a shared passion to embrace well-being, seek adventure, and discover new sensations through unique formulas that are inspired by their vegetable garden in the highlands of Lima. The products result not only in pampered and healthy skin, but also in a lifestyle that brings Silvestra’s customers closer to nature and beauty.


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