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kelly frohnauer from Natural Family Botanicals

Natural Family Botanicals

founder: Kelly Frohnauer
course: Certificate in Natural Cosmetic Preservation + Certificate in Organic Anti-Ageing Skincare
Graduation year: 2017
location: USA
Hero product: Evening Primrose Cream

Brand overview

Natural Family Botanicals is a US-based organic skin care company run by Kelly Frohnauer offering high-performance, anti-ageing beauty products for healthy, mature skin. Each product is custom formulated and created by hand using high-quality ingredients and precious essential oils. By using up-to-date information on anti-ageing formulation and skincare theory taught via Formula Botanica courses, Kelly has been able to boost the effectiveness and success of her anti-ageing creams and facial serums. All of her products are one-of-a-kind, and great for all skin types, offering visible, positive results.

Formula Botanica was beneficial in helping Kelly to grow her business. Diving deep into anti-ageing science and ingredients gave her ideas and knowledge that she was able to incorporate into her existing cream and serum formulas. The Certificate in Natural Cosmetic Preservation course gave her the confidence and know-how that she was missing concerning preserving her creams. She says that it was all very encouraging and informative and gave her the confidence boost that she needed.


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