
dr.b naturals

founder: Svetlana Bobrakova
course: Diploma in Organic Haircare Formulation + Certificate in Organic Anti-Ageing Skincare + Certificate in Facial Masque Therapy
Graduation year: 2020
location: United Kingdom
Hero product: Reishi + Green tea serum

Brand overview

“dr.b | Wild Mind & Body” is a natural and sustainable healthcare brand that launched with its flagship skincare range, which uses mushrooms, seaweed, and woodland botanicals. With ingredients foraged on the Norfolk Coast and their own beehives, dr.b aims to incorporate as many direct-from-nature ingredients into each product as possible. dr.b’s ambition is to continue releasing innovative products, such as the mood-boosting foraged tea collection, and to contribute to the planet’s sustainability by, for example, reintroducing a healthy bee population to the British countryside.

Svetlana Bobrakova, founder of the brand, learned a great deal with Formula Botanica. She experimented a lot, and her persistence and determination paid off with a range of professionally formulated products that she was able to have safety assessed before selling.


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