

founder: Carmen Ana Rivera
course: Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation + Advanced Diploma in Organic Cosmetic Science
Graduation year: 2020
location: Puerto Rico
Hero product: Pomegranate Hydro-Flow Moisturizer

Brand overview

Naturaleez is a Puerto Rican-based company run by Carmen Ana Rivera. Its handmade products help rejuvenate, revive and revitalise your skin and bring the peace of mind that the ingredients used are of the highest quality. This luxurious line is intended to pamper your skin both morning and night. The product’s aromas are exquisite, and the fragrances used are obtained from 100% organic essential oils and botanical extracts. This beautiful product line is designed for women who wish for their skin to be pampered and indulged.

Formula Botanica helped Carmen start her business by giving her the tools she needed to be able to formulate. She learned how to thoroughly research ingredients and gained immense support from other students in the school’s Online Classroom. She credits Formula Botanica for its amazing role in helping her create Naturaleez.


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