Lavenbel | Summer 2024


founder: Monia Otis
course: Certificate in Organic Anti-Ageing Skincare
Graduation year: 2024
location: Canada
Hero product: Lavenbel Hand Cream

Brand overview

Founded by Monia Otis, Lavenbel is a certified organic lavender farm located in eastern Ontario, Canada. Monia formulates handcrafted, 100% natural lavender-infused products, offering a diverse range of skincare, self-care, and home products. She meticulously chooses natural ingredients for their unique skin and wellness benefits.

Monia’s vision for Lavenbel was to create a unique experience in natural skincare products. Upon discovering Formula Botanica, she realised that their courses would elevate the brand to the next level. Lavenbel now formulates and handcrafts anti-ageing products that provide high-quality, natural benefits for ageing skin.

Upon graduating from Formula Botanica, Monia expressed, “I have refined my learning to a second level now. My certificate in organic anti-ageing helped me to create new formulas using a better research method. I am now formulating with a mindset of using high-performance cosmeceuticals. My new products are of high standards and can compete with the natural skincare industry. The certificate also helped me think of new niche products I could create. It’s exciting to think that I can have infinite ideas for new products I can create.”


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