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Leslie Reichgelt from Bella Botanicals

Bella Botanicals

founder: Leslie Reichgelt
course: International Organic Skincare Entrepreneur Program
Graduation year: 2020
location: United States
Hero product: Organic Under Eye Roller with CBD

Brand overview

Bella Botanicals is a US based natural and organic skincare company. At Bella Botanicals, the goal is to offer skincare that is safe, effective, and affordable, using ingredients that are farmed sustainably and organically when applicable. The way they formulate and manufacture their own products allow them to have full control over the entire process. Often consumers have no idea how their skincare products are created, what is in it, or how it actually works. Bella Botanicals is out to change that. The products are made in small batches, allowing for the longest shelf life, direct to consumers. The brand is pride of educating its followers, so that they have the knowledge to make the skin care decisions that are right for them. At Bella Botanicals they want all women to achieve naturally beautiful skin, and to have confidence in the nude (aka without makeup).

Formula Botanica has enabled Leslie Reichgelt, founder of the brand, to take her formulation skills set to the next level, and has given her the fundamentals to developing a sustainable business that is now enjoyed by many. Leslie can’t wait to continue her education with us. Sky’s the limit.


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