Be green bath & body Portrait

Be Green Bath and Body

founder: Karen Roche
course: International Organic Skincare Entrepreneur Program
Graduation year: 2016
location: United States
Hero product: Dry Shampoo

Brand overview

Be Green Bath + Body, LLC formulates and handcrafts flexible, natural, affordable skincare products that keep your skin healthy, your body safe, and make the least impact on our planet. You can trust that Be Green’s skincare products are not only gentle on the skin and made with the fewest ingredients possible, but are also highly efficacious. Since 2008, Karen’s small, founder-led business, located in Massachusetts, has been making gentle yet dynamic artisan skincare products for the whole family. In 2016, their product line was enhanced and their mission was solidified when founder Karen Roche graduated from Formula Botanica. Whether you’re looking for an anti-ageing moisturiser, an all-purpose restorative balm, or an unscented soap, you will love our freshly-made facial and body care products.

“Formula Botanica helped me to strengthen my formulating skills, giving me the confidence to continue to grow my brand organically.”


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