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founder: Aanchal Ahuja
course:Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation
Graduation year: 2022
location: India
Hero product: Moisturising Balm-BambouBerry Signature

Brand overview

Founded by Aanchal Ahuja, BambouBerry products draw inspiration from the rich biodiversity of the Himalayas. Key ingredients such as bamboo, along with Himalayan berries like raspberries and seabuckthorn, form the very essence of the brand.

Bamboo is a cornerstone of BambouBerry’s formulations. Renowned for its rapid growth and minimal environmental impact, bamboo is a symbol of resilience and eco-consciousness, embodying sustainability at its core.

Aanchal Ahuja attributes Formula Botanica for providing her with the skills to formulate and create BambouBerry. She takes pride in offering her customers a luxury skincare line that also represents a movement towards sustainable beauty.


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