
Palm of Feronia

founder: Sophia Harding
course: Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation
Graduation year: 2019
location: United Kingdom
Hero product: Moonstone Sleep Spray

Brand overview

Palm of Feronia is a small-batch, natural self-care and wellness brand focused on the ancient principles of aromatherapy, crystal healing, and herbal lore. Feronia is the ancient Roman goddess of wildlife, fertility, health, healing, and abundance. Founded by Sophia Harding, Palm of Feronia was brought together through a passion for clean, organic, and earth-derived ingredients with a rich, proven history of positive effects for not only the skin, but also for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. With formulas inspired by our ancient ancestors’ powerful remedies, every oil, plant water, and mineral the brand uses are carefully and sustainably sourced and selected to have maximum therapeutic effect, and not just on account of its look or smell. Palm of Feronia preserves all products naturally and encourage transparency of ingredients. They see simple acts of sensorial self-care as one of the most important parts of the day – take time for yourself, pause, connect and immerse yourself in nature.

Formula Botanica helped Sophia to ensure her products were safe, effective and ready for market.


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