Tutor Training Program

Teach face-to-face Formula Botanica skincare formulation workshops anywhere in the world using our world-class tools and reputation.

Teach Skincare Classes

Suitable for: Formula Botanica Graduates

Pre-requisites: Checklist

Time: 60 study hours

Course Modules: 6

Coursework: Self-study + tutor graded

Duration: One year deadline

Cost: £650 (British Pounds)

Next enrolment period: TBD

Pre-register for our next term

£650.00Enrol Now

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Please note that you will still be charged in British Pounds and that your bank may charge a small administration fee.

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Course Information

Tutor Training Program

Would you like to earn an amazing income doing something you love?

Do you want to help others change their life through green beauty?

Want to teach our profitable and educational skincare workshops anywhere in the world?

Become one of our approved tutors and you get to run our profitable workshops! We have over 600 licensed tutors or tutors-in-training taking on the world with our face-to-face DIY beauty workshops. Many skincare formulators choose to teach live workshops to supplement their income and establish themselves as an expert in their community when they’re first setting up their business. Join our pool of licensed tutors now to spread the green beauty message around the world.

Teach International Natural Skincare Workshops

Join our International Team

of Licensed Tutors

As we are the world’s leading and largest organic cosmetic formulation school, we receive many requests to teach private or group workshops. However, we can’t be everywhere to teach them so this is where you can become part of our teaching team! We give you everything you need to be a success teaching the art and science of skincare formulation to others and start your own successful business, teaching face-to-face branded Formula Botanica workshops.

Use our Global Brand

to Fill Workshops

This “Business in a Box” training program sets you up to run your own successful business using our worldwide reputation. We train you to become a Licensed Formula Botanica Tutor and you receive ongoing updates and support from us. Once you have completed your training course, we send you a Tutor Licence Agreement to sign and then send you your workshop materials. You will be asked to renew your Licence Agreement every year for a small annual fee in order to keep using our brand and materials.

Receive our lesson plans and teaching tools

Once you become a Licensed Tutor with Formula Botanica, you receive access to our tutor library which is packed full of lesson plans, sample formulations, workbooks, printable games and other teaching tools. We’ve done all of the hard work and heavy lifting for you, so your Formula Botanica skincare formulation workshops are ready to go.

Run a Successful Workshop Teaching Brand

Become an organic skincare teacher and run successful face-to-face workshops anywhere, creating a fantastic reputation for yourself as someone who not only really knows their stuff but can also deliver a fun, educational and rewarding workshop event. Either supplement your skincare brand income, or run your business as a stand-alone teaching brand.

Formula Botanica Skincare Workshop
Why enrol with Formula Botanica?

This course is for you if:

  • You’ve taken our Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation
  • You want to build a successful teaching brand
  • You love inspiring others and teaching people how to embrace green beauty
  • You want to position yourself as an expert in your local community
  • You want to make a fantastic income teaching skincare workshops
  • You want to enrol with an accredited and gold award-winning education provider

How it Works

Tutor Training Program
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program

What you get from Formula Botanica:

Our Award-Winning Tutor Library
Access to our Global Tutor Mastermind
Your Own Tutor Page on our Website
Promotion to our Global Followers
Tutor Formulation Directory
Beautifully Designed Skincare Posters
Games to Play in your Workshops
Music Playlists for your Workshops
Flashcards for your Workshops
GMP & Safety Checklists
Global Supplier Directories
Student Forms & Questionnaires
Your First Year’s Licence for FREE
Certificates for your Students
Lesson Plan Templates
Our Reputation (Priceless!)

Course Syllabus

Tutor Training Program
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program

Module 1

How to Become a Teacher

Now that you’ve completed your Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation with Formula Botanica, you are a qualified organic skincare formulator. You’ve now decided you want to become a teacher of face-to-face DIY organic beauty workshops, which is why you’ve enrolled for this course.

In this Module, you are going to make the step of evolving from being ‘only’ a formulator to also being a teacher. You’ll study the science of learning, understand what students are looking for in a workshop and learn how to meet your students’ needs.

This Module will help you get set up to becoming a teacher and starting your own DIY beauty workshop teaching business.

Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 1000

Welcome to your Tutor Training

  • Run through our teaching pre-requisites so you are prepared to teach our Formula Botanica Workshops.
  • Learn and embrace Formula Botanica’s organic beauty and teaching philosophy.
  • Understand our approach to DIY and how it applies to your DIY beauty workshops.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 1001

How to Become a Teacher

  • Understand how to move from being a formulator to being a teacher.
  • Learn the 3 mindset shifts you must make to become a teacher.
  • Understand the 8 habits that must be embraced by all great teachers.
  • Learn your ‘why’ for becoming a teacher.
  • Course bonusVideo interview with a Formula Botanica Tutor to learn the inside story
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 1002

The Theory of Learning

  • Learn what learning is so you understand what’s happening in your workshops.
  • Understand how we store information in our memory so that you can help your students learn.
  • Become familiar with the model of Bloom’s Taxonomy and learn how to apply it in order to achieve deep learning from your students.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 1003

Meeting Your Learners’ Needs

  • Understand what motivates people to learn.
  • Study Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and understand how it applies to your workshops.
  • Decipher what your students want from your workshops so you can teach and market to them properly.
  • Know how to differentiate between learning styles.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
Module 1

Your Learning Journal

  • Undertake detailed study activities to learn how to become a teacher.
  • Use our activities to learn what motivates your learners and how to determine their needs.
  • Figure out your learning style and use this knowledge to apply to your learners.
  • Take your first steps to planning a short DIY beauty workshop.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program

Module 2

How To Teach

Now that you know how to become a teacher, the next stage is to learn how to teach. It’s easy to think that standing in-front of a room of people makes you a teacher, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Without learning how to teach, your workshops could be bland and boring. You need to understand how to structure the event and make sure you engage your students through ingredients, demonstrations and formulations.

This in-depth module breaks down the four main stages of a good DIY beauty workshop and lays the foundations for your amazing workshop teaching business by teaching you how to teach.

Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 2001

How to Teach Workshops

  • Learn the 4 stages of any good DIY beauty workshop.
  • Study the difference between a teacher and an instructor.
  • Learn how to explain concepts and introduce ingredients.
  • Learn the two important phases of any DIY beauty demonstration.
  • Understand how to lead a workshop discussion with a made-for-you list of thought-provoking questions.
  • Find out how to help your students draw conclusions from their experiences.
  • Course bonusDIY beauty workshop props checklist
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 2002

Teaching Aids & Methods

  • Understand the difference between teacher-led and student-led activities.
  • Learn the seating plans to use for different styles of workshops.
  • Study the 8 different types of teaching aids that should be used in DIY beauty workshops and learn how to use them, including games, posters and music.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
Module 2

Your Learning Journal

  • Undertake detailed study activities to learn how to teach.
  • Put the theory into practice by learning how to explain tricky concepts and leading discussions.
  • Start to think about how you want to engage your students in your DIY beauty workshops.
  • Prepare your own workshop checklists.

“This year I taught Russian-language workshops in Moscow and Minsk. Our interesting Formula Botanica courses such as the Anti-aging, the Chocolate Spa and the Facial masques are very popular. The best response I got from my students was: ‘It’s such a pleasure to be pampered with an aroma therapeutic chocolate mask and know that after a session I will look not only beautiful, but also healthy!”

– Natalie, UK

Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program

Module 3

Planning your Workshops

The biggest challenge faced by any teacher is planning. You must learn how to plan your DIY beauty workshops if you want to be a success. Turning up for a workshop without a plan is like heading out on a roadtrip without a map.

Luckily we’ve done all the heavy lifting for you and prepared your lesson plan strategy. In fact, we even give you our expert lesson plan template and teach you how to use it. After taking this Module, you will be comfortably designing and planning your own workshops.

This Module takes you through the basics of workshop planning and then teaches you how to write a lesson plan, before giving you over 30 pages of ready-made lesson plan blueprints for over a dozen different types of workshops.

Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 3001

The Basics of Workshop Planning

  • Learn how to plan if you’re not a planner.
  • Understand what lesson planning is and how it applies to your workshops.
  • Determine who your target audience is for your DIY beauty workshops.
  • Study the difference between aims and objectives to make sure you are prepared to teach.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 3002

How to Write A Lesson Plan

  • Learn the most important part of workshop preparation: how to prepare your workshop lesson plan.
  • Understand the 3 phases of your workshop and how to create your plan to cater for these phases.
  • Think through time planning and learn the four stages of allocating time slots in your lesson plan.
  • Study how to use the Formula Botanica Lesson Plan template.
  • Course bonusFormula Botanica Lesson Plan template
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 3003

14 DIY Beauty Workshop Themes

  • Learn how to teach 14 different types of DIY beauty workshops, including birthday party, Christmas, bachelorette, corporate, 1-on-1 and foraging workshops.
  • Review teaching aids and props required for each theme to make your workshops fun and enjoyable.
  • Consider upsell opportunities for each theme to make additional income from your workshops.
  • Understand how to tie workshops together to create detailed teaching experiences.
  • Course bonus30+ pages of ready-made lesson plan blueprints
  • Course bonusAnnual workshop planner + template
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
Module 3

Your learning journal

  • Undertake detailed study activities to learn how to plan your workshops
  • Plan out your first ever DIY beauty workshops
  • Fill in your first ever Formula Botanica Lesson Plan and put that theory into practice
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program

Module 4

Pricing & Marketing Your Workshops

Once you’ve learned how to teach and plan your workshops, you need to take care of the finances. You are going to be running a business, teaching DIY beauty skills and hosting fun events for people to get to grips with green beauty. However, if you can’t turn a profit on these workshops or sell tickets, then you haven’t got a business.

By the time you’ve completed this part of the course, you’ll understand how to market your workshop tickets so you sell out all spaces. We’ll run you through strategies for online and ‘offline’ marketing, as well as sharing our 3 most successful strategies for selling tickets (which we use for our Formula Botanica conference each year – which always sells out!).

In this Module, we take you through our blueprints for costing, pricing and marketing your workshops. By the end of this lesson, you’ll be equipped with the skills to pack out your workshops with paying customers.

Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 4001

Costing & Pricing Your Workshops

  • Understand how to prepare a budget for your workshop and run through the 17 elements that must be included in every DIY beauty workshop budget.
  • Learn how to change your mindset and follow our 4 rules for pricing your workshops.
  • Run through our detailed calculations to be able to cost and price your own DIY beauty workshops.
  • Receive our 10-step upsell checklist to include other elements to make money from workshops.
  • Course bonus: Workshop Cost Calculator
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 4001

How to Choose a Workshop Venue

  • Learn the 10 aspects you must always consider when choosing a workshop venue.
  • Consider 4 types of venues that would work well for your DIY beauty workshops.
  • Run through our considerations for teaching at home to make sure you comply with the law and safety requirements.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 4001

How to Source Ingredients

  • Run through our 4 main requirements for buying ingredients for a Formula Botanica workshop.
  • Receive our 11-point ingredient sourcing checklist to make sure you order the right amount of ingredients.
  • Learn how to set up wholesale accounts to purchase ingredients affordably.
  • Understand how to calculate your batch size – receive our upsell formula as well as our ‘teaching only’ formula for calculating how many ingredients you need to order
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 4002

Marketing & Selling Workshop Tickets

  • Learn how to position yourself as an expert following our 8-step strategy.
  • Understand where you need to be on social media and how to build hype around your workshops.
  • Run through our advertising strategies for free vs paid advertising, including our 5-step free local advertising plan and our paid social media advertising plan.
  • Complete your own marketing calendar using our template, counting down 2 months to your workshop.
  • Study our 3 tried and tested strategies for selling out your workshop tickets (used by Formula Botanica to sell out our conference tickets, year after year).
  • Course bonusYour marketing calendar template
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 4002

Advertising Copy Swipe File

  • Use our advertising copy swipe file to receive done-for-you advertising copy. Formula Botanica’s ads are seen by hundreds of thousands of people every year – use our experience to guide your ads.
  • Apply our swipe file to different DIY beauty workshop themes – e.g. local workshops, bachelorette workshops, Mother’s Day workshops, Christmas workshops and more.
  • Receive advertising copy for adverts that run in a series and retarget potential students.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
Module 4

Your Learning Journal

  • Undertake detailed study activities to learn how to cost, price and market your workshops.
  • Use our activities to understand how to prepare a budget and set the right price for your tickets.
  • Find suitable venues for your workshops and take notes in your Learning Journal.
  • Prepare your first workshop marketing calendar to get you ready to sell tickets.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program

Module 5

Business & Safety Skills

Now it’s time to ensure that you conduct your workshops in a professional manner in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. It’s really important to show due diligence when you’re in charge of the welfare of others. Although making skincare isn’t the world’s most dangerous activity it does come with risks and hazards.

This module is perhaps the most important one of all. There’s no point in becoming an amazing skincare tutor, with well-attended classes and a brilliant marketing plan if one day it all comes crashing down because you failed to comply with certain rules and regulations.

In this Module you will learn how to be a teacher who works responsibly and safely. We’ll not only help you create your workshop Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) procedure, but also help you set up your all-important admin systems – including helping you with your workshop terms and conditions.

Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 5001

Admin & Legals in Workshops

  • Understand the 6 admin systems that you can’t live without once you start teaching your workshops, including how to set up your workshops, how to handle enquiries and how to sell tickets.
  • Receive detailed checklists to help you prepare each admin system for your business.
  • Run through the 6 booking systems we reviewed for you and choose the best one for your needs.
  • Learn how to make sure you comply with data protection requirements for your workshops.
  • Study the 15 clauses you must include in your Terms & Conditions.
  • Understand which safety checks and assessments are required for your workshops.
  • Review the two main types of insurance you’ll need in order to teach live workshops.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 5002

Workshop Good Manufacturing Practice

  • Study the 8 components you must include in your GMP procedure, following ISO22617:2007. We help you apply each of these components to your DIY beauty workshops by providing practical – and unmissable – tips to get you started.
  • Learn how to create your own workshop GMP plan so that you, your students and their formulations remain safe.
  • Course bonusFormula Botanica Workshop GMP Procedure template
  • Course bonusPrintable safety card for workshop students
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
Module 5

Your Learning Journal

  • Undertake detailed study activities to learn how to make sure your workshop is safe for your students.
  • Prepare your own workshop GMP procedure, using our GMP procedure template, which contains a detailed 8-page checklist to cover you and your students, your venue, your ingredients, equipment and packaging, your formulation processes, your waste management and your paperwork.
  • Complete all of your paperwork for your own DIY beauty workshop and submit it to a Formula Botanica Tutor for grading.

Module 6

Become a Formula Botanica Tutor

Once you get to Module 6, you have completed the course and are ready to become a Formula Botanica Tutor, teaching our award-winning materials all over the world to make yourself a fantastic income.

In this Module, we give you a tour of our award-winning Tutor Library, which contains folders full of ready-made formulations, teaching aids, designs, graphics, paperwork, forms, checklists and more. We also run you through our expectations of becoming a Tutor at Formula Botanica. You’re almost there – the next stage is to apply for your Licence and then you’ll be ready to get going!

Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
Module 6

Using the Tutor Library

  • Receive a video tour of our award-winning online Tutor Library to find out where to find all of your workshop materials, which includes many folders full of formulations, teaching aids such as Formula Botanica games, beautifully designed posters, checklists, paperwork, graphics and much more.
  • Learn how to compile your own Formula Botanica workshop using our Tutor Library, so you’ll be ready to hit the ground running once you sign your licence with Formula Botanica.
Formula Botanica Tutor Training Program
TTP 6001

Formula Botanica Tutor Expectations

  • Now that you’re ready to teach, we run you through our Tutor expectations one more time, including our detailed Code of Conduct which sets out common-sense principles for teaching our branded workshops anywhere in the world.
  • We also run you through our philosophy on organic beauty, as well as our definition of what ‘DIY’ beauty actually means in the context of your workshops.

“Just received my tutor training material! Wow. I am so impressed like everything is been made so easy. Thanks, cant wait to start planning my first class!!!”

– Nkechi, Nigeria

Teach Skincare Classes

Which Workshops Can I Teach?

Once you complete your Tutor Training program, you will be offered a Formula Botanica Licence Agreement to sign. This is a simple legal document that contains many common-sense clauses (such as – make sure you conduct yourself professionally, please source high quality organic ingredients wherever possible, etc.). After signing you are then given access to the Tutor Training Materials section of our Student Resources Library where you will be able to download all of your teaching materials and workshop manuals.

We currently licence you to teach the following workshops:

  • Natural Facial Skincare
  • Natural Body Care
  • Facial Oils
  • Organic Lip Balms
  • Facial & Body Balms
  • Facial Masques
  • DIY Home Spa
  • Toners & Gels
  • Christmas Gifts
  • Natural Emulsions
  • Scrubs & Polishes
  • Massage Oils
  • Bachelorette Party
  • Vegan Skincare
  • Organic Cleansers
  • Design Your Own

Course Bonuses

When you study with Formula Botanica, you become part of a close-knit international community of students and graduates all around the world. We support you all throughout your studies and beyond, and we give you access to our expert organic cosmetic science and business files while you are enrolled on your courses.

Formula Botanica Conference 2018

Bonus 1

Become Part of the Loveliest Formulation Community on the Internet

Once you enrol with us, you are welcomed into our international student community groups which contain many thousands of our students and graduates from all over the world. Everyone knows each other and many of our students meet up in their respective countries to share information and formulate together.

In our groups, you will receive expert tutor support and peer support. Ask questions, share photos, troubleshoot formulations. Celebrate your victories and get encouragement when you need it. You are never alone.

Formula Botanica Student Library

Bonus 2

Access our Student Library

When you become a student with Formula Botanica, you also gain exclusive access to our Student Resources Library for the duration of your course. Access our:

  • Preferred supplier guide which contains hundreds of global companies
  • Extensive ingredients directory with listings of over 100 natural ingredients
  • Formulation percentage-to-weight calculator
  • Collection of many hours of expert webinars
  • Scientific research collection
  • Recommended reading list
Meet the Formula Botanica Team

Bonus 3

Ongoing Support After Graduation

The support doesn’t finish when you graduate. We want to keep in touch with you once you’ve finished your course and support your career in organic haircare. We offer lots of free promotion for our graduates because we want to help give your business the support it needs when you launch it or as you grow it.

Be featured widely on our website, on social media and on our mailing list. Formula Botanica has many thousands of followers and subscribers all around the world so this will help you create a splash when you launch.

Formula Botanica Badges

Bonus 4

Earn Formula Botanica Bonus Badges

Formula Botanica issues special Moodle Badges to students who pass their courses successfully (Moodle is the name of our award-winning and accredited eLearning Platform). These badges can be used on your resume, social media pages and LinkedIn profile to demonstrate that you are a skilled organic formulator. We have also hidden a few surprise badges in the course materials for students who pass certain Modules with a distinction grade!

Enrol for our Tutor Training Program to share your extensive knowledge of organic and natural skincare formulation with others while running our profitable live workshops.

Pre-Register for our next term


Our Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation. Other pre-requisites may be accepted.

Start Date

Term Times. Self-paced training where you have up to 1 year to complete your course.


Projects, activities and reflexive learning. Each module ends with an assignment.

Online Classroom

Peer support & tutor support via a private Facebook group.


Formula Botanica is accredited by the Open & Distance Learning Quality Council.

Expert Support

Our Tutor Team has an educational background in cosmetic chemistry, biology, education and business management. Let us support you.

Course Enrolment

Tutor Training Program
Teach Skincare Classes

Formula Botanica operates a term time system, so we can get all of our students started at the same time and run online study groups.

Term times run in the following months:

  • Winter Term: January
  • Summer Term: July

Enrolment for all of our courses will be open during this period. If you want to be the first to hear when we open enrolment, make sure you pre-register for this course.

Pre-register for our next term

£650.00Enrol Now

Click to see an estimate in your own currency:

Please note that you will still be charged in British Pounds and that your bank may charge a small administration fee.

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Copyright Herb & Hedgerow Ltd. 2012-2024 All Rights Reserved. Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Earnings Disclaimer Herb & Hedgerow Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 07957310. Registered office: Wadebridge House, 16 Wadebridge Square, Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 3AQ, UK. Please do not post anything to this address.


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