Lamia Biocosmetica

Lamia Biocosmetica

founder: Maite García de Cortázar
course: International Organic Skincare Entrepreneur Program
Graduation year: 2016
location: Spain
Hero product: Oleogel Limpiador Facial (Oleogel Facial Clenser)

Brand overview

Lamia Biocosmética is a small artisan skincare brand based in the Bask Country, that offers sensorial, ethical and effective skincare, created to balance, calm and illuminate sensitive skin. It is also an invitation for you to create a new relationship with your skin. To wholly see, feel and listen to your skin. Lamia’s luxurious oils and balms, with their aromas and textures, offer sensorial self-care rituals. Calming and balancing your skin with Lamia will reunite you with the most luminous version of yourself.


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