Melissa and Denice.


founder: Denice Duff
Head Formulator: Melissa Enders
course: Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation
Graduation year: 2024
location: United States
Hero product: In Your Face CREAM

Brand overview

In Your Face is a skincare brand that harnesses the power of Mother Nature to combat the signs of aging and enhance the skin’s natural radiance with all-natural ingredients. The brand’s founder, Denice Duff, an actress turned skincare founder, has harnessed the wisdom of four generations of Italian women, combined with her experiences alongside Hollywood make-up artists and dermatologists, to create a luxurious line of results-driven all-natural skincare. Denice believes that in a world filled with quick fixes that offer no lasting benefits and inflated prices for jars filled with cheap fillers, she could make a difference by crafting her own concentrated potions. What started in her kitchen with herbal oil-infused masks has evolved into potent fermentations of fruit enzymes.

After investing in an education from Formula Botanica for her team, the company successfully expanded its product line without compromising the integrity of its formulas. Heading the formulation team, formulator and Formula Botanica graduate Melissa Enders and her colleagues have crafted cutting-edge formulations using the finest natural ingredients, scientifically proven and crafted to embody the company’s motto: “Use Mother Nature to Stop Father Time”.

Denice credits Formula Botanica for aiding in the expansion of her brand, stating, “Formula Botanica helped us expand our brand by teaching us to formulate our own natural products instead of relying on other chemists and formulators. It also helped us modify our existing formulas to align more closely with our brand’s natural ethos”.



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