Untitled (48 × 24 in) (2 × 2 in) (1)

Green Bean

founder: Selina Dunlap
course: Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation
Graduation year: 2022
location: United States
Hero product: Rose moisturiser

Brand overview

Green Bean Skincare, based in the United States and led by Selina Dunlap, was born out of a profound love for clean and effective skincare. Selina deems the skin one of our most precious investments. The company passionately creates high-quality, natural skincare products formulated with performance ingredients that genuinely beautify the skin, fostering confidence. Green Bean meticulously designs its products with considerable care through intelligent formulation, ensuring top quality and freshness with handmade, small-batch production.

Selina believes in skincare as a form of self-care, viewing the skin as an investment, not an expense. Green Bean delivers skincare that is both simple to understand and powerfully effective, packed with ingredients found in nature. Green Bean stands for skincare that is comprehensible, valuable, and trustworthy.

Selina attributes her expertise in formulating skincare from scratch to Formula Botanica, acknowledging the essential knowledge the courses provided.


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