Baba's soapery 300 x 300

Baba’s Soapery

founder: Lina Andreas
course: Advanced Diploma in Organic Cosmetic Science
Graduation year: 2019
location: Bulgaria
Hero product: Detox Soap Bar with Activated Charcoal and Essential oils of Spearmint, Tea Tree and Rosemary

Brand overview

Baba’s Soapery is a Bulgarian plant-based soap and skincare brand with a charitable cause. All products are vegan, palm-free and handcrafted in small batches using carefully selected oils, herbs and plant extracts that nourish the skin and enchant the senses. For every sold product, Baba’s Soapery donates a percentage of its value to a local charity, which aids elderly people living in the poorest region of Bulgaria. Founder Lina Andreas launched the brand in 2018 with a range of artisan soaps, and upon graduating from Formula Botanica in 2019 expanded the portfolio to include a wider range of skincare products with a focus on quality, performance and sustainability.


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